Sunday, July 26, 2009

Can it be? A sign?!

Ok, I know this is just absolutely silly, but I thought some of the people that know me personally might get a kick out of this:
Especially since I'm quite infatuated with Anderson Cooper. I know, I know, what kind of weirdo searches for themselves on Bing? Well I do, because I want to know what's going to show up if anyone else decides to search my name. So far, this blog is safe, and hasn't shown up on any search related to my real name.

However a few things from my debate record did show up! Yay! The internet acknowledges my existence!


  1. Lmao, I did in fact get a kick out of that ;)

  2. LOL That's so awesome! And yay about your debate record! xD You're already famous!

  3. Hahaha thats amazing! Definitely a sign ;D

  4. lol not a sign Lizzi. It's just your over-analytical mind...and a coincidence.

  5. Haha, awesome. I DO Google myself, sadly.
