Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Because eventually people were going to find out

A picture says a thousand words, and in this case all I've got to say is--- WTF?

Yes, that is my friend Celery, wearing Madonna boobs that I made out of his German homework.

I always knew he had issues, but I didn't know it went this far. I was planning to wait and save this as blackmail, but since then I have acquired something even juicier that involves hair.

By the way Celery, you really do have a nice mom. I accidentally called her last night at 10:30, and I must say she really isn't the naggy btch you made her out to be. She's very sweet, or at least she was on the phone. You can kill me when school starts back up :P

Oh! And yes, that is a boy, and yes I do call him Celery in real life.

1 comment:

  1. Hahaha... WTF describes my reaction perfectly. Yeah, the moms tend to always turn out nicer.. time and time again I hear how bad they all are and I personally find them sweet.
