Thursday, March 5, 2009

Elective Fair

Look at all the fun we have in Debate class! In this picture: the red head on top is the ever infamous Jacob, and on the bottom is James (who for some reason doesn't have a hyperlink because the computer won't let me hyper link him.)

If only life were as easy as pie. Who on earth ever thought up the overused cliche phrase of "easy as pie"? Anyways, today was the elective fair at school, where kids showed up to get a preview of the different extracurricular classes they could take.

I represented the debate team (woot woot) and got to meet the soon to be freshman! Boy they were bright eyed and bushy tailed! I enjoyed the company of Josh and Jacob, and my fellow novice class.

We had a contest on who could recruit and bring over the most people, Josh kept the point system, and guess what? I WON. Suck that fellow novices! JK, everyone was awesome, and Miranda was exceptionally helpful!

The only part that made me angry was when this rude Jesus freak mom came up and was  all like, "I don't want my kids arguing with me!!!" and I was just like, dude, hey this is not just arguing, this improves your speaking skills and critical analysis thinking.  Oh well, I feel sorry for her kids.

I decided that since Jacob is a senior, and is leaving soon for college and whatnot that I should write him a formal goodbye letter. Cheesy yes, but whatever. I could care less.  Mostly it consists of how grateful I am for him teaching me all I know about debate, and how at times I hate him. 

Also, all this week I have been acting like an incredible butt, and I now know why. Mother Nature came to visit me tonight. Of all the nights. HOW LOVELY. anyways, not much to report at home base. I feel as if I must write a rant on how Haiti is such an overlooked and sad country, but I don't want to torture you guys... until next week.


  1. We are God's workmanship, created in Christ Jesus to do good works, which God prepared in advance for us to do. EPHESIANS 2:10

  2. Oh goodness. I must now sanitize my pour little twister mat. It has been abused.

  3. Cool debate fun :)

    And I think the letter thing is absolutely sweet! :D So kind! I should do that for a senior of mine...

    BAH! Mother nature!

    AND RANT RANT! Haiti IS an extremely overlooked country and it makes me sad :( To be honost, I didn't even know it existed until sixth grade when I had to do a report on it... Sad, yesh? Dx

  4. Well done with your debating! And Haiti is very unlucky and impoverished; the world needs to know! =P (Don't worry, I am being partially serious... serious)


  5. Twister is great :D
    Even though the letter idea sounds a bit cheesy at first, I'm sure he'd really like to get one.
