Saturday, August 13, 2011

Things that have made me happy as of late

Galaxy Nails. I'm a big Doctor Who fan, so you can obviously guess why painting my nails in this design brings me a lot of joy. Was the 10 minutes spent on my nails worth it? Yes.

Citrus-sicle. Ok. So school starts for me on the 23rd. Say what? Summer. Is. Not. Over. You can't tell in the picture, but the popsicle I made is three layers: orange juice, lemonade, and green tea. I'm thinking about making another one with strawberries in it...
A post card from the artist James Gulliver Hancock. I love receiving things in the mail.

School homework? Almost done. ALMOST. I'm hoping that I can finish my papers up tonight, and finish The Annotated Mona Lisa tomorrow, leaving only As I Lay Dying to be read up until the first day of school. Perhaps I'll finish it sooner.

Also, I'm glad you guys liked my video! Once school starts I'm hoping to make more artsy ones as extra credit assignments, so I wanted to test my ability to mess around in video editing and whatnot. I still have a long way to go, but at least I can manage something simple. :)


  1. That citrus-sicle looks pretty BOSS. I might have to try that...

  2. I have been waiting so long to paint galaxy nails. I think I have it it in my head that it has to be fall for me to do it. I know, it's weird.

    A strawberry-sicle sounds heavenly. Jus' sayin'.

    Good luck finishing As I Lay Dying. I would happily discuss it with you via facebook or something, if you wanted! :)

  3. In my opinion you did better than the tutorial, honestly that is a really good idea for nails and what not (: I didn't know you were into Dr. Who

  4. your nails are fab!!
    i LOVE doctor who so much...its my favourite show <3 its the best isnt it? :D
    i love that postcard.
    and i hope you get all your homework done very soon!! :)

  5. Your nails look AMAZING. And the popsicle looks so yummy. I made one out of applesauce once and it was... interesting, haha. Good luck getting the rest of your summer work done! I don't wanna go to school either :(

  6. 1. The woman's voice from the tutorial hypnotized me.

    2. I can't believe they only took you ten minutes. Maybe I just suck at painting my nails, but just doing one color takes me that long.

  7. This comment has been removed by the author.

  8. Yay! Nice to meet a fellow Doctor Who fan. *mini geek-out* Your nails look fantastic! I wish I had a good hand at nail art. Unfortunately, whenever I deviate from simple coats, the results can quite ugly.

    Popsicles are the essence of my summer, so a homemade tri-layer popsicle = <3 Natalie sent me a book a couple of weeks ago in the mail that has a sea popsicle recipes, so hopefully that'll inspire me to making a few of my own concoctions!

    That postcard looks marvelous. I'll have to check out its creator. :)

    Oh, I feel for you -- for the past month, I've been swimming in summer required homework for AP classes. Not fun. Not fun at all.


    Make a video tutorial!! PLEASE!!

    And I haven't made popsicles in years! That photo brought back found memories of old summers :)

    And awesome job on your homework!! I start uni next week... Pray for me.

  10. Hey man,
    I'm putting together a blog-annual-book-thingy and I'm tryna find some people who're interested in contributing, so e-mail me at:

  11. Without the 'man'. I don't know why I put man. Derp.
