Saturday, July 31, 2010

Librarian chic

My school is one of the few in it's district that hasn't enforced uniforms....yet. Earlier this week they sent out revised dress code notices and boy are they strict.

No hip hugger jeans. All pants must be at the waist.

Shirts meant to be buttoned must be buttoned.

See through layered clothing is no longer allowed.

Along with a plethora of other things concerning hair, leggings, and shoes that I won't go into.

Anyways, since they're cracking down on dress code and are most likely going to switch to uniforms next year I decided to play it safe and just kick my wardrobe into Librarian chic. I'll still have my summer clothes for casual wear just in case, and this way people can keep stereotyping me into the "smart asian" category even though I'm one spot away from being in the top 10%.

Appalling, I know. Usually all asian americans are in the top 10% of their class. BUT I'm straying from the point. A lot of my friends on Facebook have been throwing hissy fits over the matter, and instead of accepting and adapting to the news they've started groups on aforementioned social networking site and threatened to move out of the district.

As if. If I were them I would use this dress code enforcement to rid our school of buttcrack, muffin tops, and the horrible display of boob stretch marks. Oh yeah, and hefty girls wearing jeggings and skinny jeans. No one needs to see that horrifying sight.

In the next few weeks I'll be stocking up on cardigans, quirky t's, semi formal t's, and slacks. I'm seriously contemplating picking up a pair of horn rimmed glasses....


  1. ALL pants at the waist, eh? Somehow I have a feeling that many people are going to break that rule.

    I would say more but I suddenly feel really tired and I'd probably just be spewing nonsense.

  2. oh it isnt that bad, I go to uniform school, and it has its upsides. Don't have to worry about what to wear, and I find that my school is pretty lenient when it comes to civies days, so t isn't so bad. What your school is doing is pretty smart,it also looks better, and minimizes the stereotyping. lol, sorry im still laughing at this part..

    "If I were them I would use this dress code enforcement to rid our school of buttcrack, muffin tops, and the horrible display of boob stretch marks."
