Saturday, January 26, 2013

As promised


  1. Ooh yay you did it. Despite all the podcasting and everything I do I wouldn't be able to do a vlog any time soon. I hope you get some letters while you're at training but I'd consider it beyond freaky if someone actually stopped by the base to see you.

  2. As cool it would be to have blog posts posted in your absence, I wouldn't necessarily add the extra hassle to you and your friends. I mean, I understand you are gone and there's no danger I will unfollow your blog or whatever. Sometimes you just can't blog and that's okay. :)

    I will keep an eye out for your address!

    Good luck with the rest of your packing. <3

  3. ohhh lizzi! best of luck to you! i'll be keeping my eye out for that address ;)

  4. Lizzi! Congratulations! It will definitely be a whole new experience, but you'll learn and grow. I remember a few years ago when a friend of mine shipped off for basic training with the Marines, she was nervous, but it went well. There will DEFINITELY be yelling though. She told me it reminded her a lot of ballet class with our Russian instructor.

    I will definitely keep a look out for that address. Wishing you all the best!

  5. Oh boy, as exciting as this sounds I wouldn't want to be in your place. No internet for 2 months, constantly being yelled at, etc. etc..

    The blog by letter sounds like it could work if you managed to write up an entire blog post in blocks of 15 minutes. I'm also guessing you're not going to be posting your address on the blog are you. :P

  6. VLOGGING! Oh, Lizzi. I'm glad that finally after waiting so long, this is starting to happen. And oh my goodness, of course we all want to send you letters. Anything we can do to support you, you know the blogger family is going to be all over that, and don't even worry about having to write back or blog or anything if you don't have the time, because that sounds like a lot of work. I'm excited for you and wishing you all the best.
