Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Monday, January 30, 2012
Following advice
Friday, January 27, 2012
Doing better
"The trouble with the world is that the stupid are so confident while the intelligent are full of doubt."
Tomorrow I get to wake up at 5:30am and participate at an academic meet (yeah!) and MAYBE get some homework done...
Wednesday, January 25, 2012
Not liking anything about anything.
In fact, all of this emotional bottling is not healthy. After a while all the little stuff starts to pile up and my throat feels constricted and I just want to collapse into a pile of nothing so that I don’t have to feel so bad.
I’ve been reading over the Holstee manifesto, and looking at this picture a lot:

But it’s not doing much. And I’ve been trying to be emotionally available for everyone else and I feel like I’ve just absorbed all of their troubles. And mainly it's been adults just dumping all of their personal problems on me, and I can't help but feel useless. I know it's impossible for me to help out in 90% of the situations, but still. I want to help. I can only be so assuring before I start to feel miserable... if that makes any sense.
College. Finishing up senior year. Doing well.
Everything feels impossible.
But who knows. I’ll drink some tea, sleep a little more, study, knit, and reassure myself that tomorrow will be better.
As Kurt Vonnegut would say: So it goes.
Monday, January 23, 2012
A letter
Saturday, January 21, 2012
Good deals
Anyways, we set out to hit some awesome sales. My friend Ellen told me that Target was having a 70% clearance, and she bought a sweater there for $5, so that was the first place Rebekka and I went. Sadly, by the time we got there most of the sale had already been picked over, but I managed to score a pair of jeans for $6 and a new pair of mocassins for $6 as well.
I was kind of dissappointed that I didn't find any sweaters, so we headed to Kholes, which was a HUGE dissappointment, so we left immediately and headed for our favorite thrift shop where I bought a men's wool sweater. It's very hipster chic. (I would post a picture, but it's late.)
Upon my suggestion we also decided to go to Old Navy to see if they had anything. Lucky us, they were liquidating their stock because they were moving locations so everything.... let me emphasize EVERYTHING with a red sticker was $2.47 or less. Needless to say I am sweatered up. They're all wool, meaning that I can't machine wash them, but nbd, I have to handwash some of my clothes anyways, and in college I'll have a sink in my room, so it shouldn't be too bad.
Speaking of my college, I'll be flying up there in February for scholarship interviews!!! I'm really excited to finally visit. Sadly, I'm using money that I had saved up for summer stuff. I'm paying for my dad and I's plane tickets and hotel room so it'll be approximately $1,000, but I feel like now that I'm 18 I need to be able to start paying for stuff myself.
I don't know. I just feel less guilty about stuff in general if I pay for it myself. The only downside to this is being out $1,000. I mean, I have more saved up, but I wasn't planning on touching it until after college, or for an emergency or something. Oh well.
I honestly should be designing stuff right now, or writing my APES research paper... Eh, I'll get to it tomorrow.
Tuesday, January 17, 2012
Monday, January 16, 2012
Weekend update.
The nerve!
The guy of course, not wanting to be dateless said yes.
And the reason why I’m so enraged is because she went to prom last year AS A FRESHMAN. (and if I remember correctly Natalie’s friend went through a similar situation last year)
Needless to say, Rebekka talked him into dumping her, but I’m not going to hold my breath or anything. I mean, he might not have the balls to take back the invitation. She’s just using him! ALSDKJFDSHSJK.
I’m just stressed because it’s crunch time. I mean, my prom is at the end of March, which is a mere few months away. All I want are some happy high school memories, dammit!
On the bright side, I now have this nifty bowl that I painted to match my Ravenclaw tile. It says “Quidditch Is Life” on it, and it has a cool little slot that holds chopsticks. So far I’ve eaten strawberries and banana pudding out of it (respectively).