Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Physics and other types of homework

So by the time I finish my physics lab I'm pretty sure all my teeth will be rotted out. Our teacher is making us do the entirety of it in Microsoft Excel so we can just email it to him and save paper. It's green but boy does it suck when you don't know how to use Microsoft Exel :/
Anyways I got lots of candy on Valentine's plus a new little sock monkey, and if it were'nt for my raging headache then the day would have been nice. Oh yeah, not passing out yesterday from said headache was a highlight.
But yeah after a ton of Aleve, NyQuil, and Zyrtec I'm all good now :)
I feel pretty good because lately I've been able to stay on top of my homework plus work on my giant 24x36 portrait of my friend Laurita... I'm not done yet, but here's a picture of it so far...
I have it tacked up on my wall above my bed as inspiration to finish it :P Oh yeah, it's all graphite pencil/stick. *UPDATE a more completed picture.


  1. THAT"S SO AH-MAZING LIZZI!!!! I love it!!

  2. That's a beautiful picture!!! And a sock monkey on Valentine's Day?! I'm pretty jealous.

    Hey so I would be eternally grateful if you could vote for my friends The Gromble for best new artist for The OC Music Awards here!


    thanks :)

  3. Physics is majorly ewwwful. However, I'm glad that the slew of drugs was able to relieve your headache and let you enjoy all of Valentine's Day's chocolatey goodness! Haha.

    And oooh that looks fantastic! :D I seriously wish I could draw like that.

  4. Ah! I have a 2" x 4" drawing that I'm having a daunting time trying to finish. You're making excellent progress on yours, how do you do it?

  5. @K.P. I guilt myself into working on it...

    Plus I'm a speed demon. If I'm committed to what I'm going I powerthrough and kind of marathon draw :P
