Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Tribute workout; Apparently my awkwardness is cute

I'm currently typing this at one in the morning, so my terminology of day events ought to be referred to as "yesterday", but it still feels like "today" so please forgive me if I accidentally get the two mixed up in this post.

Anyway, yesterday for my Air Force DEP workout we did a Tribute to all of the 9/11 victims with an especially rigorous workout that pushed us all physically.  Needless to say, it wasn't the most enjoyable experience.

Here's a run-down of what we did:

*these were all broken down into 2 sets of 20

As usual, we had one person pass out because they didn't hydrate enough (by this point that's just stupidity) and this guy Micheal ended up puking after the work out as well.  Luckily, I was ok.  I wasn't the fastest, or the best, but I didn't quit anything and that's all that matters to me.  

I went home covered in dirt and sweat, tired and hungry.  But I felt good.  It made me feel really patriotic. Later that night my commanding officer called me and told me that he was proud of all my efforts and congratulated me on dropping 10lbs since the last DEP workout and asked me if I could speak at the next meeting to all the DEP members that are having issues with dropping weight.  In all honesty, I eat whatever I want when I get hungry, but I don't go overboard.  And it also helps that I go to the gym 5 days a week and run every other day.

After I got home from the workout I washed up a bit and made some eggrolls for dinner.  I swear, that's one of the few things my mom taught me that's actually useful.  I was so hungry, I ended up eating 6 eggrolls, some Cheez-Its, and about 4 cookies.  Yum.  And I'm actually kind of hungry right now.  Ah, well, I'll get a snack after I finish typing this up.

Before I went to bed I took the longest, most bubbly bubble bath ever.  As soon as I got into the hot water I was just like, "Ahhhh, my muscles..."  I stayed in the tub for quite some time listening to my Autumn music mix and just relaxing.  I never actually appreciated bubble baths properly until I started working out, but I take one almost every other day now.  I need to buy some more bubble bath... I wonder if I can find a pumpkin scented one?

But yeah.  Instead of making me sleepy my bath sort of woke me up, so I ended up knitting and watching Mysteries at the Museum on the travel channel until JB called me.  He works the night and afternoon shifts at the news station so he called me around 11:40ish and we talked for an hour.  It was definitely one of those "getting to know you" type of conversations, and of course my brain decided to call in sick and I forgot everything that I'm interested in aside from cheese and bacon.  Luckily, JB finds my love for cheese and bacon interesting enough to converse about.

After the call ended he texted me and said he thought I was "very cute" and can't wait to take me out again.  Well then.  I guess I should high-five my scumbag brain for deleting everything but cheese and bacon from my mind, because apparently my awkwardness is cute.

I still feel a little apprehensive though.  And not because of JB or anything.  No.  My apprehensiveness is linked to my dad, who would probably have a heart attack if I started dating anyone right now.  My dad still views me as his little 12 year old girl who always reads books and obscure Wikipedia articles.  His little girl that had a lot of guy friends because most of the girls thought I was really weird for watching wrestling and South Park.  And, I mean, I still do all that stuff, but I'm not 12 anymore.  I also think that he doesn't want me in a relationship right now because I will be leaving sooner or later, and he doesn't want me to back out of the Air Force last minute because of a guy.  But I would never do that.  I'm too committed and determined.

In the past I've been able to spare my dad the stress of having to deal with the knowledge of me with another guy by keeping all of my relationships low-key.  The guys usually went to another school and they NEVER met my family. Ever.  It was just easier that way because I knew if my grades ever slipped up, a boyfriend would be the first thing my dad would point out as "the issue."

The dynamic is definitely different with JB because he's already met my dad.  So we'll see.  I'll play it by ear and see where everything goes before I start freaking out pre-maturely about my dad freaking out.


  1. I think if he's already met your dad then you're doing quite well, and you shouldn't be too afraid of introducing the two. You can even introduce him as just a guy friend at first. If your dad gets to know him, and likes him, then it should make it easier for him to think of JB as your boyfriend if things go that far. Awkwardness is adorable. It remains my one chance at finding love. Someone falling in love with my awkwardness. Well done on completing that workout too. It sounds incredibly insane, and you've come quite a long way. I'm proud of you too.

    1. Thanks, Mark!

      He and my dad know each other pretty well because we all work out together. They get along right now, but I don't know if that would change. Right now my dad views JB as a guy friend, but he explicitly told my step mom that he doesn't want me anyone. :/

  2. The story of your life, or at least the story of this post, would make a good romantic comedy, starring perhaps a young Sandra Bullock...wait no, scratch that...starring Jennifer Lawrence. Since we can not go back in a time machine and bring young Sandra Bullock to the present, we will have to go with Jennifer Lawrence. I think Jennifer is the only actress who could do all those push ups, and squats anyhow.

    1. I don't even know what to think of the idea of my life as a rom/com. But I'm glad you picked Jennifer Lawrence to star in it. She's pretty badass.

  3. Well apparently you're not nearly as awkward as you think you are if you have all these guys after you! Wish I could say the same about me... haha. But anyway, definitely don't worry about things with your dad until necessary. Not that I'm advocating keeping things a ~~secret~~ or whatever, but you know what I mean.

  4. Well done for doing that workout, it sounds very tough. I can't even do one times a 200m sprint never mind 4, and everything else so go you! And go your brain for making you sound cute. I'm so awkward that nothing can save me! :P x
