Friday, March 4, 2011

Looks are deceiving

You see that pretty tree there to the left? Yeah, that's a Bradford Pear tree. At my school we have two of them planted in the lower courtyard, and they look very pretty, but I wish my school would just get rid of them.


Because they smell. And not in a nice way.

Have you ever been to a fish market? Or perhaps had a batch of uncooked shrimp go bad in your fridge? Because that's what this tree smells like as soon as it blooms in the spring: rotting shrimp.

Other people online described it more colorfully, but yeah...

As we were taking club pictures today the stench being emitted from these Asian ornamental trees was quite unpleasant, and led to many angry conversations about the idiocy of these plants, that have been referred to as invasive towards native plant species. UGH. Smelly trees FTL.


  1. That was so gross!! I love that you actually blogged about them!!!

  2. Ewww, I'm sorry you have to put up with that. :/

  3. Oh and you should try to get one started at your school then (culture fair)! I would tell you details of it but I'll probably just write about it when it comes up soon!

  4. But it looks so preeeeetty! How can it be so terribly ugly smelling? D: Nature is weird.

  5. I agree with Natalie! It looks gorgeous! Was it really that bad?

  6. @Eeshie Yes. It was reaaaaallly that bad. I hope you never have to experience it.

  7. quite a beautiful living thing. but what is this now?: smells of semen or vagina? now, that's just not even half-right! i truly am sorry that anyone should have to endure a thing such as this without consenting! eeew! and my word verification is "supress"--no lie! haha!
