Monday, November 29, 2010
Overridden With Angst
Not that I hate autumn leaves, but raking them up Amish style and then bagging them up is a pain, especially when you have a decent sized front yard.
I wouldn't hate raking the leaves if the yard would actually stay clean for more than three hours, but I guess that would be too easy. My dad being a lover of all things torturous refuses to let me use anything besides a rake because I'm young, soft, and need some toughening up. Needless to say my weekends will now consist of raking the yard, tending to my various bug bites and blisters attained from said activity, and homework. I lead a very glamorous life.
And to top it all off, in the next few weeks I will be stressed about making sure that my semester grades are up to par, meaning that I'll most likely be holed up somewhere studying and attempting to stay zen whilst alienating most of my family.
In order to keep myself from completely going off the deep end I've been trying to find little positive things to look forward to like watching DVRed episodes of Conan, art class, and leftover thanksgiving food.
Blahhhhh I just want Christmas Break to come around along with my birthday so that I can de-stress and whatnot.
Thursday, November 25, 2010
Random Fact #1
Wednesday, November 24, 2010
The History Channel sucks the fun out of errthang
Thursday, November 18, 2010
You know what sucks?
- Finding out that someone you thought was cool is actually really, really lame.
- Getting stabbed by a grammar Nazi despite disclaimers stating your poor upbringing in grammar.
- Failing at NaNoWriMo
- Having a raging headache
- Being paranoid
- East Texas weather patterns (which are virtually nonexistant)
- Crazy AP teachers that make essay contest entries a grade
- Early college apps
And you know what makes all of the above better?
Friday, November 12, 2010

It's the top part of a pomegranate!
But silliness aside, I've been sort of preoccupied by starting all my scholarship/college app essays. Most of them are pretty generic, but since I plan on applying for some of them at the end of this school year I'd rather have them done now in order to avoid the impending stress.
Avoiding all stress had become virtually impossible, but I'm doing my best and treating myself every now and then. And by treating myself I mean watching Conan, reading Ke$ha's interview in Seventeen, and taking really long hot showers while listening to Edward Sharpe and the Magnetic Zeros. My love/hate for physics grows daily, and my grades have kind of evened out to a steady B, which isn't too bad for being an advanced class, but isn't too good because I feel like I should be doing better in there. Oh well.
Also, just an obscure somewhat fruitless question: Does anyone know where to get film for the Polaroid izone200? (other than ebay, lomography, and B&H)
Monday, November 8, 2010
Thursday, November 4, 2010
Say whut?
Monday, November 1, 2010
Bad Monday
Guess what? All my life they could care less about what I said, and now of all times they expect me to want to talk to them? It doesn't work like that.
Maybe, just maybe the reason why my brain instantly shuts down and reverts to "observe" mode around them is because that's all that I was allowed to do for the longest time.
Sorry, but again, it doesn't work like that. I may be a partial snob, but at least I'm not a loud obnoxious pig.... ohhhhhhhh burrrrn.
Now that my rant is over, I'm doing NaNoWriMo!!
Are you?