Today was very fun. Oh yes, so fun!
I went with Hannah to the local water park in Canton with her dad, little brother, Ms. C, and these other two kids Jessi, and Quiet Girl. It was pretty fun, I mean we got there at like 11:00 when they opened, and stayed there till 5PM.
So now, since I've got that island blood in me I am thoroughly darker. So much darker in fact I think I could pass myself off as a full blooded, working class Filipino. Yup. No upper class for me.
Anyways, I actually went on the BIG slides for once, but I didn't think I was ready for "The Royal Flush" which is just a really nice name for a giant Toilet bowl. No thank you, I'd rather not pretend I'm a turd.
I Thoroughly enjoyed the wave pool, lazy river, and kiddie area. I like the kiddie area the most though, but in order to go I had to take Hannah's little brother because they were discriminative towards tall people. Also, the guy Jessi accompanied me, which would have been ok.... but he asked a lot of questions and kind of hinted about liking me and Hannah, so I just played it smooth and cool
Jessi: So do you have a boyfriend?
Me: *walks under water fall* WHAT? I CAN'T HEAR YOU?? DREWW DON'T RUN OFF!! *runs after drew*
or when we were in the wave pool he'd attempt to save me every time my head went underwater. And I would just be like: I'M NOT HOPELESS I PROMISE MY FEET CAN TOUCH THE BOTTOM SO PLEASE LET GO OF ME.
So my day kind of went like that. I dodged a lot of questions, and gave very vague answers. He also asked for Hannah's number, but she said that she already liked someone (which is sorta true) and I just gave the usual, I don't have time, and I'm pretty horrible.
And believe it or not, I'm not lying. I honestly don't have time with 4 advance courses, debate team, and possibly art club. All my time will be stretched out to the max. Also, I hate talking on the phone for over a minute. No really, I HATE phone conversations, unless it's with certain people. I think I may be the only teenager in the US that doesn't want a cell phone.
Overall I had a good time.... Although I do feel a little guilty for eating that funnel cake... Only in Texas will they mix Carnival food cooked by teenagers in a water park with Religious messages in the wave pool.
And yes, those are pictures of the actual kiddie area from the official web site. Pretty nifty right?